Setting up a Pay Class with Advanced Settings


At the Advanced tab you set the work day options. These settings are global to all employees assigned to the pay class.

  1. Select Setup from the navigation list.
  2. In the slide out menu select Pay Class.
  3. Choose the pay class you wish to work with from the list. If you need to set up a new pay class select + New.
  4. Configure the desired settings for the pay class.
  5. Go to the Advanced tab.

Settings Column

  1. At the Maximum Work Day Length option, change the default setting of 14 hours if needed.
  2. At the Maximum Hours To Start New Shift option, change the default setting of 3 hours if needed.
  3. At the Day Begins At This Hour option, change the default setting of 12:00 AM if needed.
  4. At the Shift Applies If First Punch Lies Within Specified Hours Of Start Time option, change the default setting of 3 hours if needed.
  5. Enable the Apply Hours To Date Of Out Punch option if needed.
  6. Enable the Calculate Weekly Overtime By Total Hours option if needed.
  7. If employees will not get daily overtime after weekly overtime has been reached, uncheck the Daily Overtime Overrides Weekly Overtime option.
  8. If finished, select Save.

Options Column

  1. Select the pay code that will be used to accumulate any time worked on Saturday. If it is not used, leave the setting at 'Do Not Override Saturday'.
  2. Select the pay code that will be used to accumulate any time worked on Sunday. If it is not used, leave the setting at 'Do Not Override Sunday'.
  3. Select the desired holiday calendar to assign to the pay class and set the qualifier if needed.
  4. If finished, select Save.

Guaranteed Time Column

  1. Select Use Guaranteed Time.  If it is not used, leave the default setting at 'Do Not Use Guaranteed Time'.
  2. Set the Worked Hours To Qualify.
  3. Set the Minimum Paid Hours.
  4. If finished, select Save.


Wed 12/05/2018