Setting up a Pay Class with Advanced Settings
At the Advanced tab you set the work day options. These settings are global to all employees assigned to the pay class.
- Select Setup from the navigation list.
- In the slide out menu select Pay Class.
- Choose the pay class you wish to work with from the list. If you need to set up a new pay class select + New.
- Configure the desired settings for the pay class.
- Go to the Advanced tab.
Settings Column
- At the Maximum Work Day Length option, change the default setting of 14 hours if needed.
- At the Maximum Hours To Start New Shift option, change the default setting of 3 hours if needed.
- At the Day Begins At This Hour option, change the default setting of 12:00 AM if needed.
- At the Shift Applies If First Punch Lies Within Specified Hours Of Start Time option, change the default setting of 3 hours if needed.
- Enable the Apply Hours To Date Of Out Punch option if needed.
- Enable the Calculate Weekly Overtime By Total Hours option if needed.
- If employees will not get daily overtime after weekly overtime has been reached, uncheck the Daily Overtime Overrides Weekly Overtime option.
- If finished, select Save.
Options Column
- Select the pay code that will be used to accumulate any time worked on Saturday. If it is not used, leave the setting at 'Do Not Override Saturday'.
- Select the pay code that will be used to accumulate any time worked on Sunday. If it is not used, leave the setting at 'Do Not Override Sunday'.
- Select the desired holiday calendar to assign to the pay class and set the qualifier if needed.
- If finished, select Save.
Guaranteed Time Column
- Select Use Guaranteed Time. If it is not used, leave the default setting at 'Do Not Use Guaranteed Time'.
- Set the Worked Hours To Qualify.
- Set the Minimum Paid Hours.
- If finished, select Save.
Wed 12/05/2018